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Block Header

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The application header is a network-agnostic block header. Different networks may wrap the application header in a consensus header, depending on their consensus protocol.

da_heightuint64Height of the data availability layer up to which (inclusive) input messages are processed.
consensusParametersVersionuint32The version of the consensus parameters used to execute this block.
stateTransitionBytecodeVersionuint32The version of the state transition bytecode used to execute this block.
txCountuint16Number of transaction s in this block.
message_receipt_countuint32Number of output message s in this block.
txRootbyte[32]Merkle root of transaction s in this block.
message_outbox_rootbyte[32]Merkle root of output message s messageId in this block.
event_inbox_rootbyte[32]Merkle root of all events imported from L1 in this block. The order of the events added to the Merkle tree is the L1 block order, and the index of each event within each block